Clarify Your Life Vision

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Life Visionary

Imaginative guide for envisioning and aligning life goals.

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My Next Step: Little Actions, Big Transformations.

Turn your goals into simple, achievable routines and habits.

Explore Your Ikigai (Reason for Being)

Explore the intersection of the talents, skills, social needs, and careers that align with you.

Creative Visualization

Use the ChatGPT app on audio and receive a spontaneous audio visualization of what you want to manifest more of.

Clarify My Values

Use your life experience and your responses to what happens to clarify what is important to you.

Explore Empathy and Empowerment

Compassionate human interaction
Empathy Journey

Engage in a journey of self-discovery and empathy to connect more deeply with what is really important to you, clarifying your values and needs.

Hands clasped in support
Empathize, Empower, Reframe

Experience a transformative process that takes you beyond empathy to empowerment, helping you navigate life with confidence.

Hands holding a heart symbol
Gratitude Deep Dive

Cultivate a profound gratitude practice that enriches your everyday life and relationships.

Individual standing at a crossroads
Healthy Boundary Setting

Learn to establish and maintain healthy boundaries for a balanced and fulfilling life.

Cultivate Physical Well Being and Deeper Food Consciousness

Colorful array of whole plant-based foods
Plant-Powered Nutrition Guide

Discover the art of nourishing meals with our Plant-Powered Nutrition Guide. Dive into a collection of whole foods, plant-based vegan recipes, meal plans, and clever substitutions that celebrate the fusion of taste and health.

Colorful array of whole plant-based foods
Plant-Powered Recipe Maker

Learn how to transform recipes into whole foods plant based versions. Input a recipe or a style of food and receive a whole food plant-based version with interesting facts.

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Food Gratitude Practice.

A beautiful support for learning about your food and all that makes it possible for you to eat it.

A leaf lifting a weight.
Holistic Physical Fitness - Plant Strong Style

A guide to help you create a holistic fitness practice that is fun, sustainable, and effective, especially if you are interested in plant-based nutrition and strength training.

Enhance Cognitive Skills

Abstract representation of scientific thought
Scientific Thinking

Adopt a scientific mindset to enhance critical thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making in daily life.

Brain with evolving layers
Belief System Evolution

Challenge and evolve your belief systems to align with your personal growth and learning.

Connect with Nature

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Your Nature Connection Mentor

Share your nature stories and be pulled into deeper connection with powerful questions, reflections, and adventure ideas.

Deepen Your Dreamwork Practice

Surreal dreamscape symbolizing the subconscious mind
Deep Dream Interpreter

Embark on a journey of self-exploration with the Deep Dream Interpreter. Connect and integrate with your subconscious to make friends with your Deeper Self and emerge more whole and attuned.

Ecological Innovation + Creating the Circular Economy

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Disrupt a business or product with a sustainable regenerative alternative. Your sustainable business guide.

© 2023 Thomas Meli